The purpose of The Society for the Preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is to maintain this beautiful 1840 structure which was once the center of the West Martinsburg Community. The society is earnestly working to raise the funds to restore the steeple on the church. It is a 501 (c) 3 organization. Donations are
Every first Wednesday in December is the Christmas Candlelight Service in the Church.
This year the service was led by Pastor Adam Houser, Associate Pastor of the Lowville Mennonite Church .
The Society for the Preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is working towards the repair of the church steeple. Last fall a temporary fix was done to the steeple to prevent any more damage caused by leaks in the steeple. The society, since 1977, has been dedicated to preserving this historic church building. The church was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
The church steeple needs approximately $38,000 to put the steeple in good repair. The society hosts a fundraiser in June of each year in the Old West Martinsburg Town Hall. This coming season the society will be hosting an ice cream social, a bag sale, several concerts and an online auction. Please watch the papers and the news as our events are scheduled.
The church sanctuary retains original structural features, a pump organ and lamp lights for lighting when services are held. Wood stoves provide heating for the services. Additionally, there is a museum room that houses many of the original documents and pictures.
The June Ice Cream Social is the primary fundraiser for the restoration and preservation of the church. The social has a long tradition in this community. Locals and out of area people come for cake and ice cream.
Anyone is welcome to join the society that has an interest in the preservation of the church. The hamlet is home to one of Martinsburg's oldest cemeteries and a 1850s structure which was once an Advent Church. In the 1890s the town bought the building and it was used for the West Martinsburg Town Hall. The furnishings are original. The "Foote Store", now know as the Mercantile, is now open making this little area a very historic hamlet.
Anyone interested in the church is welcome to join. Meetings are twice a year. Volunteers are always needed. Please contact Marcia Waligory at 315-376-3401.