Bette Lathan has written several articles on the History of Martinsburg for the history corner feature in the Journal and Republican.
The Town of Martinsburg Highway Department cleared and rebuilt the entrance road to the Staring Cemetery on Pansy. Doug Rook, and some members of the Staring family were then able to begin the clean-up work in the cemetery. Artisan Engraving was contracted to repair many of the monuments in the summer of 2022. The project is now complete.
The society has been selling many of its books through the West Martinsburg Mercantile. Books sold include: “The Road to Maple Ridge”, “Shadrach Snell, POW”, “Martinsburg, The Way We Were”, Volumes I and II, “The Diary of Seneca Benton”, and “The Murder of Charles Vincent West”. The society expresses appreciation to Kim at the Mercantile for promoting the society and its publications.
New members are always welcome to join the society. Annual individual dues are $5, annual dues are $10 and individual life memberships are $50. For additional membership information, call Sue at 315 376-0156 or Nelson at 315 376-2792.
Our membership year is from January 1 to December 31, so memberships are now due. Please make checks payable to Martinsburg Historical Society and submit with a completed membership form attached below. Thank you for your continued support of the MHS
Common School District 4